A complete cheat sheet for clinical documentation

By Katherine Ellison on Jun 18, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is clinical documentation in healthcare?

Clinical documentation refers to the creation of medical records that pertain to patient healthcare. These documents may contain symptoms, diagnosis, assessment, treatment, and testing information.

While there is no straightforward or universal standard for clinical documents, they are used by over 90% of health practitioners in the US and provide relevant insight concerning the patient's health experience. Additionally, clinical documents serve as excellent points of reference to improve your future treatments and rewarding summaries for other healthcare professionals to refer to.

Because of their accessible format, they can be easily understood by most health users, and with one glance, practitioners can have an insight into patient treatment. In the case of a lawsuit, clinical documents also serve as sufficient medical reasoning and credit your practice with authority and reputation. 

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Fundamental reasons for good clinical documentation

Clinical documentation is essential for many reasons. Your practice must produce high-quality documentation as the healthcare industry constantly changes and adapts. It ensures that patient data is up-to-date and all relevant information is stored for reference and future contributions to effective treatments. Numerous advantages will result from improving your clinical documentation process, including:

Good communication

Documentation outlines all interaction points between practitioners and patients, and with their concise format, all healthcare professionals should be able to understand a patient's health state.

Clinicians should be able to easily pick up on a client's health condition from the information listed on the document.

Ensures reimbursement

Good clinical documentation is the key to appropriate medical billing and coding processes. You can ensure that the relevant medical equipment and services are billed and coded for, and as a result, your insurance claims are accurate and more likely to be accepted.

Reduces malpractice

Clinical documentation ensures you are HIPAA compliant and have medical reasoning behind all your treatment decisions. For example, documents can support you against any claims or potential lawsuits. 

How can private practitioners improve their clinical documentation skills?

While every practitioner writing something will have their methods for writing documentation, here are some helpful and valuable strategies to help you improve yours:

Standardize your notes

Certain guidelines relevant to your industry apply to clinical documentation. Sticking to these standards will save time when creating your documentation and ensure your notes are organized and easy to read.

Take inspiration from others

Within your field, numerous practitioners will be known for their fantastic documentation. Look at how they take their notes, and don't be afraid to ask for advice. 


One of the best ways to improve any skill is to ask for feedback. If your documentation needs to be shared with other practitioners, ask them how they found your notes. Were they readable? Easily navigated? Organized? 

Keep learning

It's important to remember that no matter how good your documentation is, it can always be improved. Implementing regular documentation training programs into your practice is a fantastic way to ensure no one gets complacent and new skills are continually taught. 

The basics of clinical documentation

Despite every healthcare practice conducting clinical documents differently, there is a basic structure thought process that you should adhere to to receive the highest level of care for your patients. You should be incorporating the following features to elevate the quality of your clinical notes throughout:

  1. Include date and times - To piece together information properly, document the time and date on each patient note. 
  2. Write signatures - You must sign each client information page and write your name and role on any documented interaction. This ensures individuals know who is attending to certain patients and, in the case of legal issues, who is responsible. 
  3. Make timely entries - Make sure you compose entries promptly to avoid missing out on critical information. It is equally important not to write them during your sessions, as this can interfere with your client and be perceived as rude.
  4. Be legible - Because other healthcare professionals are reading through your documents, they should be typed electronically to avoid miscommunication. Extra care must be taken to ensure they are legible and clear if handwritten. 
  5. Avoid abbreviations - Unless they are universal, it is best to avoid abbreviations to minimize the risk of misconstrued information. 

What is a Clinical Documentation Cheat Sheet?

A Clinical Documentation Cheat Sheet is a succinct guide designed for healthcare professionals to streamline the documentation of patient encounters. This tool condenses the essential elements of clinical documentation into a quick-reference format, enabling providers to record accurate and comprehensive patient information efficiently.

It typically includes key sections such as patient demographics, visit overview, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment plans, and follow-up care. The cheat sheet ensures that all pertinent data is consistently captured during each patient visit, facilitating clear communication among healthcare team members and contributing to the continuity of patient care.

By using a clinical cheat sheet often, providers can enhance the quality of clinical documentation, save time, and improve overall patient management.

Essential elements of good clinical documentation

Regardless of your healthcare field, all clinical documentation has some essential components. These include the following:

Correct credentials

All clinical documentation for certain patients needs to include the correct credentials of the relevant provider. Clinical notes also need to have the name of the patient they are referring to, and this information should be stored in the patient's files.

Diagnostic statement

Clinical documentation should include a statement regarding the patient's current and past diagnosis where necessary. This type of statement should also cover how the patient was diagnosed, the impact of the diagnosis, and any relevant progression that has been clinically observed.

Diagnostic methodology

The methodology contributing to the diagnosis is very important. The provider needs to explain the tests, assessments, evaluations, observations, and diagnostic criteria that have been applied. If the assessments used are non-formal, the provider must explain why these were used. 


Documentation should also refer to any current and past medications the patient has been prescribed.

Tips for effective clinical documentation

To hone in on what makes clinical documentation effective, there are numerous strategies you should implement to elevate the quality of your client service.

Doing so will increase patient satisfaction and improve the daily operations of your practice.

Report critical values

Remember to always report critical values to a nurse within 15 minutes of the data being verified by the lab. Failure to do so can delay treatment, which is detrimental to the patient. They should also be reported to physicians within 30 minutes.

Avoid general information and statements

Each clinical document needs to be specific to the patient, and any general statements can easily be misconstrued. For example, simply stating that the patient called is inadequate, and you need to specify whether the patient needs a return call or if they have a concern or query.

Accommodate your busy times

Even in your busiest time of day, you need to be aware of critical codes and transfers, changes of shifts, and different medication and physician orders. Despite how large your load is, you should not miss these vital details. 

Correct documentation methods

Your documents should be highly accurate regarding the patient's experience and composed in a legible format so any healthcare professional can pick them up and understand the patient's condition.

They should also include the subjective perspective of patient symptoms and objective observations. All notes should be professional, using correct spelling, grammar, and tone, and without personal judgment.

Correct notes

Any allergies or medications should be listed, as well as late entries and corrections. 

Efficient charting procedures

No charting should ever be completed in advance; these will be reviewed in addition to flow sheets. Patient assessment must be carefully documented, and with the right nursing policies consulted, these should elevate the quality of your notes. 

5 examples of good clinical documents

To help you visualize a good clinical document, we've included an example of a progress note separated into five sections.

This template is based on a SOAP format, which can be used to standardize and organize your notes. 

Demographic information

Date of Session: 12/07/2022

Session Duration: 50 minutes

Patient Name: Jane Smith 

Patient Number: XXXXXX


Miss Smith reports continued feelings of depression. She describes her symptoms as having worsened, saying, “I find it hard to get out of bed every day.”

She is disinterested in her work and no longer enjoys her hobbies, saying she “doesn't see the point.” Miss Smith also reports feeling symptoms of anxiety and struggles to socialize with friends and family. 


Miss Smith had slow verbal responses during the session. She struggled to maintain a conversation, and her speech had a flat effect.

Her compliance with medication is good, but there are no evident improvements. Eating patterns are irregular, but weight remains unchanged. She reported having difficulty falling and staying asleep. 


Miss Smith presents as unfocused and disinterested. Her participation was reduced since her last session, and she struggled to maintain conversation and appropriately respond to questions and prompts.

Although Miss Smith is compliant with medication, it has not had an observable effect. Suicidal ideas or intentions were not expressed and did not appear present. 


Miss Smith is undergoing CBT to alleviate depressive symptoms. Medication will remain unchanged for the next 14 days. Miss Smith will be referred to a psychiatrist if no progress is observed.

Miss Smith will continue to attend weekly therapy sessions. She has been instructed to practice replacing negative self-talk with positive self-talk and has set a goal to go for two walks between sessions. 

The above examples should illustrate the type of information to include in your documentation and how this can be formatted. Every provider has their preference for how they write their documentation, and while this is perfectly fine, you need to ensure all the right information is included.

Why choose Carepatron as your clinical documentation software?

Carepatron positions itself as a leader in enhancing clinical documentation practices. Our telehealth platform is meticulously engineered to simplify and refine the documentation process, making it a seamless aspect of healthcare management.

By integrating features prioritizing user-friendliness and operational efficiency, Carepatron revolutionizes how healthcare providers approach patient information management. This transformation ensures the highest data accuracy standards, safeguards patient privacy, and guarantees that vital health records are readily accessible when needed. With Carepatron, healthcare professionals can deliver exceptional care supported by precise and secure documentation.

Clinical documentation software

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