Graphic of people and Carepatron branding

Join Carepatron’s Affiliate Program

Become an affiliate partner with Carepatron and earn rewards, make an impact, and empower health and wellness practitioners around the world.

Why partner with Carepatron?

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Earn rewards

Receive minimum $30 USD + recurring commission for every activated referral.

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Track with real time insights

Stay on top of your success with real-time data. Track your referral links using our affiliate dashboard.

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Access exclusive support

Receive dedicated support and exclusive resources that will enable your success.

How does it work?

Step 1: Apply

Follow the link to complete the affiliate application form and see if you’re the right fit for our program.

Apply now
A woman resting her head on her hands

Step 2: Engage

Receive your unique affiliate link, access our affiliate brand kit, and start engaging with your networks.

Two people having a conversation

Step 3: Enjoy

Get paid for every activated signup that has come from your link.

A woman on her phone

Partnership rewards structure

Annual referred paying customers
One-time commission per paying customer
$50 USD
$60 USD
$70 USD
Percentage revenue share for up to 12-months per paying customer

Who can apply?

  • Bloggers and writers
  • Social media influencers and content creators
  • Podcasters
  • Media networks
  • Thought leaders
  • Carepatron users

Join our partnership programme

Apply now

Frequently asked questions

How much can I earn as a Carepatron partner?
There is no limit on how much a partner can earn in our affiliate program. As long as you keep getting referrals, you’ll keep earning rewards!
Is there a minimum sales or referral requirement to stay in the program?
There is no minimum requirements to stay in the program, but we do encourage all partners to be as active as possible. The more engaged you are, the better the rewards!
How do I track my referrals and commissions??
Once accepted into the partnership program, partners will be able to access a dashboard that automatically tracks their referrals and commissions.
Who do I contact with enquiries?
Reach out to with any other questions you may have, we’ll get back to you ASAP!