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Tonic-Clonic Seizure ICD-10-CM Codes

Discover essential ICD-10 codes for Tonic Clonic Seizure diagnosis. Ensure accurate medical coding and billing. Explore the codes now.

By Nate Lacson on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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Tonic-Clonic Seizure ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Tonic-Clonic Seizure

In medical coding and classification, the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10), plays a pivotal role in accurately documenting various medical conditions, including epilepsy. 

Tonic-clonic seizures, characterized by their distinctive phases of muscle rigidity (tonic) and muscle convulsions (clonic), are a common manifestation of epilepsy. 

Coding these seizures is essential for medical records, billing, and patient care coordination. This guide will explore commonly used Tonic-Clonic Seizures ICD-10 codes and provide detailed clinical descriptions for each code, offering valuable insights for healthcare practitioners and medical coders.

  • G40.1 - Not intractable, with status epilepticus: G40.1 is used for patients with challenging-to-control Tonic-Clonic seizures that progress to status epilepticus, a life-threatening condition characterized by continuous or rapidly recurring seizures. This code highlights the need for immediate specialized medical attention due to the increased risk of severe complications and mortality.
  • G40.2 - Not intractable, without status epilepticus: This code represents classic Tonic-Clonic seizures with muscle stiffness and convulsions, notable for not advancing to status epilepticus, removing the immediate life-threatening element. These seizures can be managed using standard treatments, setting them apart from critical conditions.
  • G40.3 - Intractable, with status epilepticus: This code is for patients with persistent and treatment-resistant Tonic-Clonic seizures, showing strong resistance to therapies. Combined with status epilepticus, it escalates the urgency, requiring an intense medical response due to complex management issues.
  • G40.4 - Intractable, without status epilepticus: Similar to G40.3, this code indicates intractable Tonic-Clonic seizures but without concurrent status epilepticus. Though not immediately life-threatening, they are challenging to manage and usually require specialized care beyond standard seizure control methods.
  • G40.5 - Not intractable, with interictal mood disorder: G40.5 denotes Tonic-Clonic seizures alongside interictal mood disorders experienced between seizures. Patients grapple with mood-related symptoms such as depression or anxiety during these intervals, substantially impacting their quality of life.
  • G40.6 - Not intractable, with interictal psychopathology: Similar to G40.5, G40.6 represents Tonic-Clonic seizures alongside interictal psychopathological conditions, covering a range of psychiatric symptoms. This code recognizes the significant psychological and psychiatric challenges faced by patients with Tonic-Clonic seizures between episodes.

ICD-10 codes provide a structured way to document Tonic-Clonic seizures, accounting for severity, status epilepticus, and accompanying mood or cognitive issues. Precise coding aids record-keeping and billing and assists healthcare providers in delivering tailored care to epilepsy patients, enhancing patient management and healthcare communication.

Which Tonic-Clonic Seizure ICD codes are Billable: 

Here's a quick reference to indicate whether commonly used Tonic-Clonic Seizure ICD-10 codes are billable:

  • G40.1 (Not intractable, with status epilepticus): Yes
  • G40.2 (Not intractable, without status epilepticus): Yes
  • G40.3 (Intractable, with status epilepticus): Yes
  • G40.4 (Intractable, without status epilepticus): Yes
  • G40.5 (Not intractable, with interictal mood disorder): Yes
  • G40.6 (Not intractable, with interictal psychopathology): Yes

All of these commonly used Tonic-Clonic Seizure ICD-10 codes are billable for medical services related to diagnosing and treating patients with Tonic-Clonic seizures. However, the billing process may vary depending on healthcare providers, insurance policies, and regional regulations.

Clinical Information

  • Tonic-clonic seizures, often associated with epilepsy, are characterized by sudden, uncontrolled muscle contractions leading to stiffness (tonic phase) followed by rhythmic jerking movements (clonic phase).
  • ICD-10 codes for Tonic-Clonic Seizures account for different aspects, including intractability, association with status epilepticus, and concurrent mood or cognitive disorders.
  • Proper ICD coding allows healthcare providers to assess the severity of seizures, helping determine the appropriate treatment plan.
  • Specific codes indicate the presence of status epilepticus, a critical medical emergency that requires immediate attention to prevent complications and mortality.
  • Accurate ICD codes guide treatment decisions, as intractable seizures may necessitate more intensive interventions.
  • Codes for mood and cognitive disorders emphasize recognizing and addressing psychological aspects in epilepsy management.
  • These codes assist in tailoring patient care, considering their seizure characteristics and associated conditions.
  • Proper ICD-10 coding is essential for accurate billing and maintaining comprehensive medical records.
  • Accurate coding ensures clear communication among healthcare providers, facilitating collaborative care for patients with Tonic-Clonic Seizures.
  • Recognizing mood and cognitive disorders through ICD coding highlights the impact of epilepsy on a patient's overall quality of life, prompting holistic care approaches.

Synonyms Include

  • Grand Mal Seizures
  • Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures
  • Convulsive Seizures
  • Major Motor Seizures
  • Epileptic Convulsions
Medical Billing and Coding Software

Commonly asked questions

When to use a Tonic Clonic Seizure ICD code?

Use Tonic-Clonic Seizure ICD codes when documenting and billing patients with Tonic-Clonic Seizures as part of their medical diagnosis.

Are Tonic-Clonic Seizure diagnosis billable?

Yes, Tonic-Clonic Seizure diagnoses are billable for medical services related to patient diagnosis and treatment.

What are the common treatments for Tonic Clonic Seizure Diagnosis Codes?

Common treatments include antiepileptic medications, lifestyle modifications, and, in severe cases, surgical interventions like vagus nerve stimulation or epilepsy surgery.

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