Ovarian Cyst ICD-10-CM Codes

Discover relevant ICD-10 codes used for ovarian cyst diagnosis. Ensure accurate medical coding for proper documentation and billing.

By Matt Olivares on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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Ovarian Cyst ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Ovarian Cyst? 

In modern healthcare, accurate medical coding ensures effective communication, streamlined billing processes, and valuable data analysis. Ovarian cysts, a prevalent concern in gynecology, are assigned specific ICD-10 codes to facilitate precise documentation and reimbursement. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of eight commonly used ovarian cysts ICD-10 codes, offering detailed clinical descriptions.

  1. N83.10 - Unspecified Ovarian Cyst: This versatile code is employed when the specific type of ovarian cyst is not provided. It encompasses various cystic growths within the ovaries, lacking distinct categorization under other codes.
  2. N83.20 - Follicular Cyst of the Ovary: Indicating a follicular cyst originating from an ovarian follicle's failure to release an egg, this code illustrates the subsequent follicle enlargement and fluid accumulation.
  3. N83.29 - Other Specified Ovarian Cysts: Aptly applied to unique ovarian cysts with distinct characteristics or etiologies not encompassed by preceding codes, this category includes specific types such as corpus luteum cysts or theca lutein cysts.
  4. N83.30 - Unspecified Ovarian Cyst, Bilateral: Extending the concept of N83.10, this code highlights unspecified ovarian cysts while addressing their bilateral presence in both ovaries.
  5. N83.39 - Other Ovarian Cysts, Bilateral: Utilized when numerous ovarian cysts of varying types manifest in both ovaries, this code provides a comprehensive portrayal of the bilateral nature of the condition.
  6. N83.8 - Other Noninflammatory Disorders of Ovary, Fallopian Tube, and Broad Ligament: Serving as an expansive category, this code envelops ovarian cysts originating from noninflammatory causes not addressed by other codes, accommodating less common cystic conditions.
  7. N83.83 - Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst: This code signifies an ovarian cyst that becomes hemorrhagic due to internal bleeding, often leading to acute pelvic pain and necessitating prompt medical intervention.
  8. N83.89 - Other Specified Noninflammatory Disorders of Ovary, Fallopian Tube, and Broad Ligament: Applied to ovarian cysts displaying specific attributes not covered by previous codes, encompassing cysts with atypical etiologies or presentations.

While this comprehensive guide provides an in-depth understanding of common ICD-10 codes for ovarian cysts, it's imperative to collaborate with seasoned medical coding professionals for precise coding. For an extensive repository of resources on medical billing and coding, explore the Carepatron website. Ultimately, meticulous coding elevates the accuracy of medical records, contributing to the overall efficiency of healthcare systems and ensuring optimal patient care.
You may also watch this explainer video: 

Which Ovarian Cyst ICD codes are Billable?

Here's a list of commonly used ovarian cyst ICD-10 codes, along with whether they are billable or not:

  • N83.10 - Unspecified Ovarian Cyst: Yes
  • N83.20 - Follicular Cyst of the Ovary: Yes
  • N83.29 - Other Specified Ovarian Cysts: Yes
  • N83.30 - Unspecified Ovarian Cyst, Bilateral: Yes
  • N83.39 - Other Ovarian Cysts, Bilateral: Yes
  • N83.8 - Other Noninflammatory Disorders of Ovary, Fallopian Tube, and Broad Ligament: Yes
  • N83.83 - Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst: Yes
  • N83.89 - Other Specified Noninflammatory Disorders of Ovary, Fallopian Tube, and Broad Ligament: Yes

All these commonly used ICD-10 codes for ovarian cysts are billable when accurately documenting and coding medical services related to ovarian cysts in healthcare settings. However, it's important to ensure proper documentation and adherence to coding guidelines to avoid errors and ensure appropriate reimbursement. Always consult with qualified medical coding professionals for accurate coding practices.

Clinical Information

Ovarian cysts, characterized as fluid-filled sacs forming either on or within the ovaries, exhibit a wide range of features that necessitate thorough understanding and management. The following points provide an in-depth exploration of this topic:

  • Definition: Ovarian cysts encompass a collection of growths that emerge within the ovaries, demonstrating a spectrum of sizes, from minute to considerably large structures.
  • Types: Ovarian cysts can be classified into different types, such as follicular, corpus luteum, endometriomas, dermoid, and cystadenomas, each with its own characteristics and implications.
  • Symptoms: Ovarian cysts have different symptoms. Some have no symptoms, while others cause pelvic pain, bloating, irregular periods, painful sex, and urgent urination.
  • Diagnosis: To diagnose ovarian cysts, doctors use ultrasound, pelvic exams, MRI scans, and hormone-level blood tests.
  • Complications: Ovarian cysts can cause twisting, rupture, and bleeding. Early detection and management are crucial to prevent severe pain and complications.
  • Treatment: Managing ovarian cysts depends on several factors, including the type, size, and symptomatic presentation. While smaller, asymptomatic cysts may be subject to vigilant monitoring, larger or symptomatic cysts might necessitate therapeutic intervention ranging from medication and minimally invasive procedures to surgical excision.
  • Surgical Interventions: Surgical procedures, such as laparoscopy or laparotomy, may be employed for cyst removal, particularly in cases where malignancy is suspected. Such interventions underscore the gravity of tailored approaches in managing these cysts.
  • Follow-up: After the initiation of treatment, consistent monitoring is imperative to ascertain complete resolution and identify any potential recurrence of the cysts. This post-treatment vigilance is integral to ensuring the long-term well-being of the patient.
  • Prevention: While some ovarian cysts cannot be prevented, using hormonal birth control methods may help reduce the risk associated with certain types of cysts. Additionally, leading a healthy lifestyle and managing conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can also play a role in preventing the development of cysts.

Synonyms Include

  • Ovarian growths
  • Ovarian follicle cysts
  • Ovarian fluid-filled sacs
  • Ovarian cystic masses
  • Ovarian cystic lesions
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Commonly asked questions

When to use an Ovarian Cyst ICD code?

An Ovarian Cyst ICD code should be used when documenting and billing for medical services related to ovarian cysts.

What are the common treatments for Ovarian Cyst Diagnosis Codes?

Common treatments include monitoring, medications, and surgical interventions based on the type and severity of the cyst.

What does a diagnosis code for Ovarian Cyst mean?

A diagnosis code for Ovarian Cyst provides a standardized way to communicate the presence and type of ovarian cyst for medical billing and documentation purposes.

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