Newborn ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

Discover the essential ICD-10 Codes for newborns. Learn accurate coding for neonatal healthcare and streamline medical documentation and billing. 

By RJ Gumban on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Newborn ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Newborn 


This newborn ICD 10 code is used for newborns affected by maternal factors and complications during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. It encompasses various conditions, including low birth weight, premature birth, congenital disabilities, infections, jaundice, and breathing problems. These conditions are linked to events during the mother's pregnancy, labor, or delivery, though the exact cause remains unspecified.


ICD 10 newborn code P07.0 is a common Newborn ICD Codes employed when newborns face respiratory distress syndrome due to a lack of lung surfactant. Surfactants, vital for maintaining lung inflation, may need to be more produced or effective. While this condition can be life-threatening, it is generally treatable with oxygen therapy and medications.


This abnormal newborn screen ICD 10 code signifies newborns with congenital hydrocephalus, where an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) occurs in the brain. CSF, a clear fluid protecting the brain and spinal cord, accumulates excessively, causing headaches, vomiting, seizures, and developmental delays. Surgical intervention can effectively address this condition.


This code, P28.0, applies to newborns with unspecified congenital heart defects. Congenital heart defects, affecting about 1 in 100 babies, can vary in severity from mild to life-threatening. Treatment options, including medication and surgery, depend on the specific defect.


P29.0 is the code used for newborns with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, a condition characterized by a hole in the diaphragm muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. This opening allows organs to move into the chest cavity, exerting pressure on the lungs and heart. While life-threatening, this condition can be successfully treated through surgery.


Code P35.0 is applied when newborns are diagnosed with neonatal sepsis, a severe bloodstream infection often caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Neonatal sepsis is a painful condition that can lead to death, necessitating treatment with antibiotics, fluids, and supportive care.


This newborn jaundice ICD 10 code is used for newborns displaying neonatal jaundice, characterized by yellowing skin and eyes due to elevated bilirubin levels in the blood. Bilirubin, produced during red blood cell breakdown, can lead to jaundice. While this condition is common, affecting roughly 50% of newborns, most cases resolve without intervention, but severe cases may require treatment.


Code P90.0 is applied when a stillborn infant is delivered deceased after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Stillbirth is a profoundly distressing event, and seeking support from family, friends, and professionals is crucial when coping with this loss. Multiple factors can contribute to stillbirth, underscoring the need for emotional support during this challenging time.

Which Newborn ICD codes are Billable: 

  • P00.0: Yes 
  • P07.0: Yes
  • P27.0: Yes
  • P28.0: Yes
  • P29.0: Yes
  • P35.0: Yes
  • P52.0: Yes
  • P90.0: Yes

Clinical Information

  • Birth weight and length are essential to track a baby's growth and development.
  • The Apgar score, administered 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth, provides an overall assessment of the baby's health.
  • Measuring head circumference is crucial for monitoring a baby's brain growth.
  • Maintaining an appropriate body temperature is essential to prevent hypothermia in newborns.
  • The respiratory rate indicates the number of breaths a baby takes per minute.
  • The heart rate measures the number of beats a baby's heart makes per minute.
  • Blood pressure is monitored to assess the pressure of the blood flowing through the baby's blood vessels.
  • Tracking urine output helps determine the amount of urine a baby produces daily.
  • Meconium refers to the baby's initial stool after birth.
  • Jaundice, characterized by yellowing skin and eyes due to elevated bilirubin levels, can be a concern in newborns.
  • Congenital disabilities encompass physical or developmental abnormalities that healthcare providers evaluate in newborns.
  • During a physical examination, healthcare providers assess reflexes, heart function, lung health, and the condition of the baby's skin.

Synonyms Include:

  • Infant
  • Neonate
  • Baby
  • Newborn baby
  • Newborn infant
  • Neonatal
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Commonly asked questions

When to use a Newborn ICD code?

Newborn ICD codes are utilized in healthcare to document and bill for medical conditions in infants shortly after birth, generally during the first 28 days of life. They help categorize and track medical information, ensuring accurate billing and record-keeping for newborns.

What are the common treatments for Newborn Diagnosis Codes?

Treatments for newborn diagnosis codes vary depending on the specific condition. Common interventions include monitoring, medications, medical procedures, supportive care, phototherapy, and nutrition, all tailored to address the newborn's diagnosed medical issue.

What does a diagnosis code for newborns mean?

A diagnosis code for a newborn, typically encoded using the ICD system, serves to standardize and communicate information about the infant's medical condition. These codes are essential for record-keeping, accurate billing, insurance claims, and medical research, facilitating comprehensive patient care and healthcare data analysis.

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