History Of Falling ICD-10-CM Codes

Access a comprehensive guide to the 2023 ICD codes for a History of Falling—featuring billable codes, clinical info, synonyms, and FAQs.

By Ericka Pingol on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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History Of Falling ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes Are Used for History of Falling?

The occurrence of falling, especially in older adults, can be an important clinical symptom to monitor. Here are the history of falling ICD codes often used:

  • Z91.81 - History of falling: This code is typically used to indicate a patient's past occurrence of falling, potentially indicating an increased risk of future falls.
  • W19.XXXA - Unspecified fall, initial encounter: This code is used if a patient has recently experienced an unspecified type of fall.

Which History of Falling ICD Codes Are Billable?

The following History of Falling ICD codes are generally billable:

  • Z91.81 - Yes, this code can be billed to indicate a patient's history of falling, typically implying an increased risk for future falls.
  • W19.XXXA - Yes, this code can be billed when a patient has recently experienced an unspecified fall.

Clinical Information

A history of falls can put individuals, especially elderly ones, at an increased risk of future falls and related injuries. Comprehensive assessment and proactive measures can help prevent these potential incidents. More clinical information includes:

  • A history of falls can indicate balance issues, muscle weakness, vision problems, or other health conditions that increase the risk of falling.
  • Falls can lead to severe injuries such as fractures and head injuries, especially in older adults.
  • Preventive measures include physical therapy, medication adjustments, home safety modifications, and assistive devices.
  • Regularly checking on a patient's history of falls helps healthcare providers tailor interventions and preventive strategies more effectively.

Synonyms Include:

  • History of Falling
  • Recurrent Falls
  • Frequent Falls
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Commonly asked questions

What does a history of falling indicate?

A history of falling may suggest underlying health issues that increase the risk of falls, such as balance problems, muscle weakness, poor vision, or certain medical conditions. It can also indicate an increased risk of future falls.

Why is it important to document a history of falling in medical records?

Documenting a history of falls helps healthcare providers assess a patient's risk of future falls and can guide the development of interventions and preventive strategies to reduce this risk.

What interventions can reduce the risk of falls in individuals with a history of falling?

Interventions may include physical therapy, medication review, and adjustments, making home safety modifications, and providing assistive devices like canes or walkers. Lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet, can also help improve overall strength and balance.

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