H25.11 – Age-related nuclear cataract, right eye

Dive into the clinical information, billability, synonyms, and more of ICD-10-CM H25.11, highlighting age-related nuclear cataract, right eye. 

By Ashleigh Knowles on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

Use Code
H25.11  – Age-related nuclear cataract, right eye

H25.11 Diagnosis Code: Age-related nuclear cataract, right eye

  • H25.11 is a billable ICD-10-CM code used for reimbursement for the diagnosis of age-related nuclear cataract, right eye
  • This ICD-10-CM code is used to diagnose age-related nuclear cataract, right eye in America. This code may differ internationally.  
  • The code is valid until the end of the fiscal year of 2023. 
  • This code’s umbrella category is “Diseases of the eye and adnexa” under “Disorders of lens.”
  • This code applies to patients from 15 to 124 years old. 

Is H25.11 Billable?

Yes, F31.63 is billable and can be used for insurance reimbursement purposes. 

Clinical Information

  • A cataract refers to the opacification or clouding of the lens in the eye, which can result in vision impairment. There exist several types of cataracts, varying in cause and location.
  • Age-related nuclear cataracts or senile nuclear cataracts are cataracts that happen over time that has the patient experience double/cloudy/blurry/poor night of distant vision, lights giving off a glare or halo, and seeing faded or dull colors. It’s important to note that patients with this type of cataract may not notice or experience the symptoms early on. 
  • The development of this particular type of cataract is commonly associated with the natural aging process. Nevertheless, individuals who have a heightened risk of developing such cataracts are those with a family history of the condition, those who engage in smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or have diabetes, those who excessively use steroids, those who are frequently exposed to UV light, and those who have a history of eye injury or have undergone eye surgery.
  • Diagnosis involves obtaining their medical history, an eye exam, and other multiple tests like the observation of the patient’s pupil dilation, visual acuity test, slit lamp test, and red reflex test. 
  • Treatment may vary depending on age, condition, opinion, etc. The most common treatment, though, is surgery.
  • It’s encouraged that one slows down the formation of cataracts by using bright light when reading, avoiding night driving, and using appropriate glasses when going out or reading. 

Synonyms Include:

  • Age-related nuclear cataract of right eye
  • Cataracta brunescens
  • Nuclear cataract
  • R age-related nuclear cataract
  • Right brunescent cataract

Other ICD-10 Codes Commonly Used for Cataract

  • H25: Age-related cataract
  • H25.01: Cortical age-related cataract
  • H25.03: Anterior subcapsular polar age-related cataract
  • H25.04: Posterior subscapular polar age-related cataract
  • H25.09: Other age-related incipient cataracts
  • H25.1: Age-related nuclear cataract
  • H25.2: Age-related cataract, morgagnian type
  • H25.8: Other age-related cataracts
  • H25.9: Unspecified age-related cataract
  • H26: Other cataracts
  • H26.00: Unspecified infantile and juvenile cataract
  • H26.04: Anterior subcapsular polar infantile and juvenile cataract
  • H26.1: Traumatic cataract
  • H26.3: Drug-induced cataract
Electronic Health Records Software

Commonly asked questions

When to use a diagnosis code H25.11?

You use H25.11 only when the adult patient aged 15 to 124 years exhibits nuclear cataract symptoms.

Is the H25.11 diagnosis billable?

Yes, H25.11 is a billable diagnosis code. It can be used for reimbursements.

What are the common treatments for H25.11 Diagnosis Code?

The most common treatment for the H25.11 diagnosis code is surgery.

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