ICD-10-CM Codes for Eczema | 2023
Check out our short guide to ICD-10 codes used for eczema to learn more about them, their billability, and clinical information on possible diagnoses.

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Eczema?
Here are the several Eczema ICD Codes you can use when coding or billing depending on the type of eczema your patient has.
- Atopic dermatitis’ ICD-10 codes are L20.0, L20.8, and L20.9. Note that there are more specific codes under L20.8.
- Seborrheic dermatitis’ ICD-10 codes are L21.0, L21.1, L21.8, and L21.9.
- Diaper dermatitis’ ICD-10 code is L22.
- Allergic contact dermatitis’ ICD-10 codes are L23.0, L23.1, L23.2, L23.3, L23.4, L23.5, L23.6, L23.7, L23.8, and L23.9. Note that there are more specific codes under L23.8.
- Irritant contact dermatitis’ ICD-10 codes are L24.0, L24.1, L24.2, L24.3, L24.4, 24.5, L24.6, L24.7, L24.8, and L24.9. Note that there are more specific codes under L24.8.
- Unspecified contact dermatitis’ ICD-10 codes are L25.0, L25.1, L25.2, L25.3, L25.4, L25.5, L25.8, and L25.9.
- Exfoliative dermatitis’ ICD-10 code is L26.
- Dermatitis due to substances taken internally’s ICD-10 codes are L27.0, L27.1, L27.2, L27.8, and L27.9.
- Lichen simplex chronicus and prurigo’s ICD-10 codes are L28.0, L28.1, and L28.2.
- Pruritus’ ICD-10 codes are L29.0, L29.1, L29.2, L29.3, L29.4, L29.8, and L29.9.
- Other and unspecified dermatitis’ ICD-10 codes are L30.0, L30.1, L30.2, L30.3, L30.4, L30.5, L30.8, and L30.9.
Which Eczema ICD codes are Billable?
L20.8, L23.8, and L24.8 aren’t billable because they aren’t specific. However, the more specific codes under them are billable.
As for the other codes mentioned in the first section, they are all billable.
Clinical Information
- Eczema is a skin condition that causes itchy, red, dry, scaly, and thickened skin. In others, they may also cause brown to purplish skin and small bumps on the arms, legs, and torso.
- There are seven types of eczema: atopic dermatitis, seborric dermatitis, stasis dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshrotic eczema, and nummular eczema.
- Symptoms may vary depending on the type of eczema, but here are the most common symptoms: dry skin, redness, itching, and hyperpigmention.
- Just like symptoms, causes may also differ. Some causes across the types are genes, an immune problem, environmental triggers, allergies, stress, illness, the weather, medical conditions, and medication.
- To diagnose, aside from a physical exam to check the symptoms, practitioners may ask you what may trigger your eczema and have you undergo a patch test.
- Treatment may include creams, ointment, antibiotics, antihistamines, lotion, and light therapy.
Commonly asked questions
When to use an Eczema ICD code?
You can use an eczema ICD code after you confirm the diagnosis and type of the eczema with tests.
Are Eczema diagnoses billable?
Most of the specific ICD-10 codes associate with eczema are billable.
What are the common treatments for Eczema Diagnosis Codes?
Common treatments for eczema diagnosis are medication and ointment/lotion/creams.
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