Cerumen Impaction ICD-10-CM Codes
A definitive guide to ICD-10-CM codes related to diagnosing and documenting cerumen (earwax) impaction in 2023.

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Cerumen Impaction?
Cerumen, commonly known as earwax, can sometimes build up and become impacted, leading to hearing loss, tinnitus, or ear discomfort. Properly documenting this condition with ICD-10-CM codes ensures accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Here are some commonly used ICD-10-CM codes for cerumen impaction:
- H61.20: Impacted cerumen, unspecified ear - This code indicates a diagnosis of earwax impaction but does not specify which ear is affected.
- H61.21: Impacted cerumen, right ear - Diagnosis of earwax impaction in the right ear.
- H61.22: Impacted cerumen, left ear - Diagnosis of earwax impaction in the left ear.
- H61.23: Impacted cerumen, bilateral - This code is used when both ears have earwax impaction.
Which Cerumen Impaction ICD Codes are Billable:
- H61.20: Yes
- H61.21: Yes
- H61.22: Yes
- H61.23: Yes
Clinical Information
- Cerumen impaction is one of the most common ear-related problems that healthcare providers treat.
- It occurs when earwax accumulates in the ear canal and becomes too hard or dense to wash away naturally.
- Common causes include age-related earwax consistency changes, hearing aids or earplugs, and the frequent use of cotton swabs, which can push wax deeper into the ear canal.
- Symptoms include reduced hearing, ear discomfort, tinnitus, dizziness, or earache.
- Treatment typically involves softening the earwax with drops and removing the impacted cerumen by irrigation, suction, or manual extraction.
Commonly asked questions
ICD-10-CM codes specific to cerumen impaction should be used in medical documentation when diagnosing, treating, or billing for the condition of impacted earwax. This ensures accurate record-keeping and facilitates proper care.
Common treatments for cerumen impaction include over-the-counter ear drops to soften the wax, irrigation of the ear canal with warm water, manual removal with special instruments, or suction to extract the impacted cerumen.
A diagnosis code for cerumen impaction gives a standardized representation of the condition of impacted earwax in a patient's ear or ears. This code is essential for clinical management, research, and administrative functions like billing.