Ascending Aortic Aneurysm ICD-10-CM Codes
Discover the ICD-10 code used for ascending aortic aneurysms and its billability, clinical descriptions, synonyms, etc.

What ICD-10 Codes Are Used for Ascending Aortic Aneurysm?
The accurate and most commonly used ICD code for ascending aortic aneurysm is I71.21: Aneurysm of the ascending aorta without rupture. Practitioners can use this code when billing, coding, and documenting.
Is the Ascending Aortic Aneurysm ICD Code Billable?
Yes, I71.21: Aneurysm of the ascending aorta, without rupture, is billable.
Clinical Information
- If there is an abnormal bulging and weakness in one’s aorta, the main artery in one’s body, then the person has an ascending aortic aneurysm. The moment it ruptures, it can cause life-threatening bleeding.
- A person is most likely to develop an ascending aortic aneurysm if said blood vessel wall is damaged and weak because of time and heart disease. Those with a family history of said condition, connective tissue disorder, or bicuspid aortic valve are at risk of developing the condition.
- Ascending aortic aneurysm doesn’t usually have symptoms since it’s traditionally detected during exams for other conditions.
- To diagnose, a practitioner will most likely have the patient undergo imaging tests to learn more.
- Treatment includes medicine and regular checkups. However, surgery may be needed in dire cases to prevent the aneurysm from growing or rupturing.
Commonly asked questions
When to use an Ascending Aortic Aneurysm ICD code?
You can use an ascending aortic aneurysm ICD code once you’ve determined with imaging tests that the patient has said condition.
Is the Ascending Aortic Aneurysm diagnosis code billable?
Yes, the ascending aortic aneurysm diagnosis code is billable.
What are the common treatments for Ascending Aortic Aneurysm?
Common treatments for ascending aortic aneurysms are regular checkups and medicine. But for severe cases, the standard treatment is surgery.
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