What Is Regression Therapy and Why Is It Helpful?
Gain more insights into regression therapy and its use in addressing past traumas to improve clients' well-being.

What is regression therapy?
Regression therapy is a form of psychotherapy that includes supporting individuals in revisiting past events and past life memories. This therapy was primarily developed from hypnotherapy and psychoanalysis techniques, which focus on the past to solve current problems within an individual's life. Therapists who utilize this therapeutic approach may be more likely to believe that current problems within an individual's life can be better comprehended by returning to that experience.
It is believed that past experiences have a large impact on an individual if they are living with psychopathology presently. During a regression therapy session, therapists support clients in revisiting their past experiences through various therapeutic techniques. Generally, there will be a deep relaxation aspect to these therapy sessions as clients are supported through their recollection of the experience they choose to focus on.
Regression therapy may be better understood with an example. An individual who lives with severe anxiety might decide to undergo this therapy. During their therapy sessions, the mental health practitioner will work to create a safe environment where the client feels secure and ready to think about their past traumas that may have contributed to their current anxiety.
It is important to note that although some individuals find regression therapy beneficial for addressing emotional pain or trauma, some noteworthy limitations should be considered. There is limited overall research about the therapy itself, and it is a controversial therapy that is often subject to debate. Past-life regression therapy has often been criticized for possibly creating false memories (Andrade, 2017).
How is regression therapy helpful?
Regression therapy can be extremely beneficial for individuals who are living with psychopathology. Ways in which regression therapy can be helpful may be:
Identifying unresolved issues
Regression therapy can support individuals in revisiting their memories and previous experiences to gain an understanding of their current ways of living. By going back to these memories, individuals can break down and comprehend instances of problematic behavior.
Healing trauma
Regression therapy can also support individuals who have endured trauma in their life. People who have had trauma happen may be often left unable to express their feelings or interact with other people how they used to. Regression therapy can support these individuals by helping them understand the impact of their trauma and how it has influenced their current choices and behaviors.
Releasing emotions
Regression therapy can also be helpful for individuals who may need support in releasing emotions from their past. Individuals who are dealing with psychopathology may have been conditioned to suppress their true emotions from their early experiences. By utilizing Regression therapy, clients can uncover these memories and experience their true emotions in a safe place.
Addressing other mental health concerns
Regression therapy can be beneficial for individuals who might have fears or phobias with no recognized cause, intimacy issues, general relationship problems, and feelings of guilt/shame that may have no recognized cause.
It is important to consider the overall benefit that regression therapy will have for your client. As with other psychotherapies, not all therapy goals will align with all clients. Regression therapy can have positive benefits for those whom it sits well with, but it may not suit the needs of different clients and should be practiced accordingly.
Types of regression therapy
Various types of regression therapy can be utilized under this type of therapy, including the following:
Regression therapy hypnosis
Hypnotherapy within regression therapy includes supporting the individual in moving towards a relaxed and focused state of consciousness. During these therapy sessions, the therapist will support individuals in accessing their memories and experiences from their past through repetition, verbal cues, and imagery. Hypnotherapy can be successful in treating common mental health issues. These may include:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Phobias
- Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Behavior control issues
During clinical hypnosis or hypnotic regression, therapists may utilize suggestive comments as well as similar techniques that provide support to individuals in uncovering their past experiences that may be currently influencing their mental health status. From here, clients can be expected to start reframing their current ideologies and move towards a healthier psychological state.
Age regression therapy
Age regression is where an individual may revert back to their younger self's mind state. This may be done as a coping mechanism.
Age regression therapy is a psychotherapeutic process that can help individuals uncover their childhood memories, thoughts, and emotions. As with other regression therapy techniques, age regression allows individuals to experience past circumstances that are likely impacting their current mental stability.
The goal of this approach is similar to that of overall regression therapy. This is to reframe negative cognitions and emotions about those past experiences. Specifically, an age regression therapist will support individuals in reliving those experiences that have occurred at an earlier developmental age. However, this method is considered controversial for the probability of developing false memories. The validity of recovered memories is also debatable (American Psychological Association, 2023).
Past life regression therapy
Another type of regression therapy that can be utilized is past-life regression. This regression therapy focuses on the idea that every individual is an eternal soul who brings their experiences forward from one lifetime to the next. Past-life regression therapy also suggests that individuals may carry over negative emotions and experiences from one life to another. For example, the emotions that surround the traumatic death of a loved one may persist in every coming life until they have been healed.
During a past-life regression session, the therapist will work with the client to delve into a significant past event through a ‘death experience' and a ‘life review.' The goal of these aspects of the therapy session is to comprehend the higher meaning of the individual's current difficulties. The issues the individual faces through past-life regression are brought into conscious awareness for investigation.
However, it is worth noting that most hypnotherapists doubt the validity of the practice and do not see it as a credible therapeutic method. They argue that people's recollections of past lives stem from fantasy, imaginative role-playing, the expectations and suggestions subtly communicated by the hypnotist, or unconsciously generated fabrications (American Psychological Association, 2018).
When to use regression therapy?
There may be a variety of reasons as to why an individual might want to undergo regression therapy.
Unresolved trauma
Regression therapy can be useful for those who are dealing with unresolved trauma. This could be trauma from an accident that they have experienced, childhood abuse, or other traumatic experiences. Regression therapy can support individuals to identify the root causes of their trauma as well as encourage catharsis.
Phobias & anxiety
Regression therapy can help individuals who are struggling with unexplained phobias or anxiety in their lives. Regression therapy can support individuals to uncover any underlying experiences that may have impacted their emotional state. Regression therapy can also support individuals in understanding how they may have been led to maladaptive coping in the way that they currently do.
Personal growth
Interestingly, regression therapy can also be a tool for positive personal growth. Using regression techniques, individuals can explore their personal history and reconnect with their past. While this happens, individuals can identify strengths and the factors that have impacted their overall values, goals, and beliefs about the world.
Recurring patterns
Psychologists, regression therapists, and other mental health professionals can utilize regression therapy if their clients are living with maladaptive coping skills and recurring patterns within their lives. By addressing past traumas and memories, individuals can work to identify the root causes of the patterns and work towards breaking the cycle of the recurring patterns.
American Psychological Association. (2023, November 15). Age regression. https://dictionary.apa.org/age-regression
American Psychological Association. (2018, April 19). Past-life regression. https://dictionary.apa.org/past-life-regression
Andrade G. (2017). Is past life regression therapy ethical? Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, 10, 11. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5797677/
Commonly asked questions
Regression Therapy has been known to uncover ‘false’ memories, which may cause an individual emotional distress. It is important to remain in control when undergoing Regression Therapy. If you decide to undertake Regression Therapy, your psychologist will make sure you are safe.
Past-life regression is not suitable for children. There is also little evidence to support the use of Regression Therapy for children.
Hypnotic regression therapy uses guided hypnosis to help individuals access past memories or experiences, often to gain insight into unresolved emotions or behaviors.
A large limitation that regression therapy struggles with is the accuracy and reliability of memories. Research has shown that leading questions can impact memories. This means that patient memories may not always be correct.