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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and Why It's Important

Discover the effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) for emotional difficulties and learn new techniques for your mental health practice.

By Matt Olivares on Jul 15, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a cognitive-behavioral approach to managing mental health. It has been used for decades as an effective treatment for depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders. REBT focuses on replacing negative thoughts with more adaptive ones to reduce emotional distress and improve overall well-being.

In this guide, we will explore the fundamentals of REBT, its core methods, and how it can be applied in practice to help individuals achieve greater mental health. We’ll also provide several REBT techniques and examples you can use for better patient outcomes.

What is Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)? 

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), formerly known as Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET), is a cognitive-behavioral therapy developed by psychologist Albert Ellis in the 1950s. The central premise of REBT is that irrational beliefs lead to negative emotions and maladaptive behaviors. It believes individuals can achieve greater emotional and psychological well-being by challenging and replacing these irrational beliefs with rational ones (Ellis, 1994).

REBT is based on the ABC Model (Ellis, 1957), which stands for Activating events, Beliefs, and Consequences. According to this model, events do not cause our emotional and behavioral reactions directly, but rather our beliefs about the events mediate this relationship (Dryden & Ellis, 2010). Therefore, our beliefs, rather than the events themselves, lead to our emotional and behavioral responses.

According to Ellis, individuals could alter their emotional and behavioral responses to events by identifying and challenging irrational beliefs, leading to greater psychological well-being.

REBT is an active, directive, and goal-oriented therapy that focuses on the present and future rather than the past (Ellis, 1994). The aim is to collaboratively with the client, identify their irrational beliefs, and then help them to challenge and replace these beliefs with more rational ones. This is achieved through various techniques, such as cognitive restructuring, behavioral experiments, and homework assignments.

Over the years, REBT has been applied to many issues, including anxiety disorders, depression, addiction, and relationship issues (Dryden & Ellis, 2010). REBT has also influenced the development of cognitive-behavioral therapies like Cognitive Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

How does REBT work?

In REBT therapy, irrational beliefs contributing to negative emotions and unproductive behaviors are pinpointed and confronted. The therapist and the client work together to replace these beliefs with more reasonable ones, utilizing various techniques and methods.

Ellis and MacLaren (2005) suggest that in the initial phase of therapy, the therapist assists the client in recognizing their illogical beliefs and the resulting outcomes. Following this, the therapist challenges these beliefs by presenting contradictory evidence and encouraging the client to consider alternative viewpoints. Ultimately, the therapist helps the client adopt more rational beliefs through techniques like disputing, decatastrophizing, and humor.

Dryden and Neenan (2014) highlight the significance of involving clients in the therapeutic process by motivating them to take accountability for their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. The therapist guides the client in developing the necessary abilities and tactics to recognize and confront their illogical beliefs and supports applying these abilities to their daily life.

Through actively engaging the client in the therapeutic process and empowering them to take responsibility for their thoughts, emotions, and actions, REBT therapy can equip individuals with the skills and strategies needed to live a more fulfilling life.

When is REBT Used?

REBT treats many emotional and behavioral problems, such as depression, anxiety disorders, addiction, and relationship issues. You can also use this approach to:

Increase your patient's self-esteem

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy has been found to be effective in increasing self-esteem, especially when combined with other techniques. Using this approach, your patient can gain insight into irrational thinking patterns and identify more productive ways of responding to life's challenges.

Develop healthier coping strategies

REBT helps develop healthier coping strategies for dealing with stress, anxiety, and other challenging emotions. This approach encourages your patient to focus on the present and future rather than the past and guides them in finding better and healthier coping strategies to manage stress.

Help patient overcome negative thinking patterns

You can use Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to help your patient overcome negative thinking patterns. Using REBT, they can identify their irrational beliefs and learn how to challenge and replace them with more rational ones.

Improve patient's communication skills

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy can help your patient improve their communication skills by teaching them how to express and manage their emotions better. It also encourages your patient to practice active listening, identify their irrational beliefs, and learn better coping strategies.

10 REBT Techniques and Examples

You can use many Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy techniques to help your client achieve the goals they have set out for themselves. Here are some of them:


This involves looking at a situation from a different perspective to change the meaning or interpretation of it. For example, if your client is nervous about giving a presentation at work, you may encourage them to reframe their nervousness as excitement about the opportunity to showcase their skills.


Decatastrophizing focuses on challenging and replacing catastrophic or extreme thoughts with more realistic ones. An example would be if your client is afraid that a minor mistake at work will lead to them getting fired, you might help them see that it's unlikely that such a small mistake would have such a severe consequence.


This helps the patient practice new behaviors or responses to situations that trigger negative emotions. A great example is facilitating a role-play of a social situation with a patient with social anxiety to help them practice assertiveness and build confidence.

Exposure therapy

Exposure therapy involves gradually exposing someone to the situation or object that triggers their fear or anxiety in a safe and controlled environment. For instance, the patient fears flying, and you may expose them to planes and airports in a gradual and controlled way to help them overcome their fear.

Cognitive restructuring

It focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and replacing them with more positive and rational ones. An example would be if your client believes they are unlovable, you might help them identify evidence to the contrary and replace their negative belief with a more realistic one.

Homework assignments

These involve practicing new skills or behaviors outside of therapy sessions. For example, you can ask your client with anxiety with a homework assignment to practice deep breathing exercises at home to help them manage their symptoms.

Rational emotive imagery

This REBT technique involves imagining a situation that triggers negative emotions and practicing responding to it rationally and adaptively. For example, if the patient fears public speaking, you may ask them to imagine giving a speech and practice responding to their anxiety calmly and rationally.


Mindfulness involves practicing being present in the moment without judgment. An example of a mindfulness technique is focusing on the breath or body sensations to help the client manage their symptoms.


This technique uses humor to challenge negative or irrational beliefs and reduce stress. For example, you can use humor to help a client see the absurdity of their negative beliefs and help them feel more relaxed and optimistic.

Assertiveness training

Assertiveness training involves teaching clients how to express their needs and wants clearly and respectfully. An example is teaching your client how to assertively communicate their needs to others rather than avoiding conflict or giving in to others' demands.

Benefits of REBT

REBT is an effective form of cognitive behavioral therapy that can help people manage their emotions, reduce stress, and build healthier relationships. It focuses on assisting individuals in identifying and challenging irrational beliefs, reframing situations in a more positive light, and learning more adaptive behaviors. Here are other advantages of this approach, according to research:

It helps improve health outcomes

Lyons and Woods (1991) thoroughly analyzed 70 outcome studies and found that REBT was an effective therapy in which subjects experienced significant improvement compared to control groups and baseline measures.

The study highlights the important relationship between the effect size of REBT and the therapist's experience and duration of therapy. The results showed that the more experienced the therapist and the longer the duration of therapy, the better the outcomes. This also suggests that therapists who specialize in REBT and are highly experienced may have better results with their clients.

It is superior to a placebo or no treatment

Engels, Garnefski, and Diekstra's (1993) meta-analysis of 28 controlled studies on the efficacy of REBT found that it was significantly more effective than no treatment or placebo. The research explained that REBT was equally effective compared to other treatment types, such as combination therapies and systematic desensitization.

This suggests that REBT is a valuable form of therapy that can be as effective as other forms of treatment. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of REBT may vary depending on individual circumstances, and it's essential to work with a qualified therapist to determine the best course of treatment for each case.

It can effectively address disruptive behaviors

A meta-analysis conducted by Gonzalez et al. (2004) on the efficacy of Rational Emotive Therapy (REBT) with children and adolescents showed that REBT had a significant positive effect. The study found that REBT was equally effective for children and adolescents, regardless of whether or not they had identified problems. Interestingly, non-mental health professionals produced greater REBT effects than their mental health counterparts.

Moreover, the longer the duration of REBT sessions, the greater the impact on the subjects. The study also reported that children benefited more from REBT than adolescents. These findings suggest that REBT can be an effective intervention for children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders.

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REBT Software


Dryden, W., & Neenan, M. (2014). Rational emotive behavior therapy: 100 key points and techniques. Routledge.

Ellis, A. (1957). Rational psychotherapy and individual psychology. Journal of Individual Psychology, 13(1), 38-44.

Ellis, A., & MacLaren, C. (2005). Rational emotive behavior therapy: A therapist's guide (2nd ed.). Impact Publishers.

Engels, G. I., Garnefski, N., & Diekstra, R. F. W. (1993). Efficacy of rational-emotive therapy: A quantitative analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61(6), 1083–1090.

Gonzalez, J. E., Nelson, J. R., Gutkin, T. B., Saunders, A., Galloway, A., & Shwery, C. S. (2004). Rational Emotive Therapy With Children and Adolescents: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 12(4), 222–235.

Lyons, L. C., & Woods, P. J. (1991). The efficacy of rational-emotive therapy: A quantitative review of the outcome research. Clinical Psychology Review, 11(4), 357-369.

Walen, S. R., DiGiuseppe, R., & Dryden, W. (1992). A practitioner's guide to rational emotive therapy (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press.

Commonly asked questions

How do you explain Rational Emotive Behavior therapy to a child?

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is a type of therapy that helps people learn how to manage their emotions healthily.

To explain this to a child, you could say that Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is about learning to care for our minds and emotions. Sometimes, we have thoughts that make us sad, angry, or anxious. REBT teaches us how to challenge these negative thoughts and replace them with more positive ones. This helps us manage our emotions better and build healthier relationships with others.

Who typically uses REBT therapy?

Mental health providers such as psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, and social workers typically use REBT Therapy. It can also be used in various settings, including schools and community centers.

What risks and issues are associated with Rational-Emotive Behavior therapy?

Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is generally considered a safe and effective form of psychotherapy. However, as with any form of therapy, there are potential risks and issues to be aware of, including depression or anxiety and feeling overwhelmed by the coping strategies introduced.

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