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Multisystemic Therapy

Struggling youth & families? Explore how the Multisystemic Therapy (MST) program tackles behavioral issues & fosters positive change in society.

By RJ Gumban on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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Multisystemic Therapy

What is Multisystemic Therapy (MST)?

Multisystemic therapy (MST) tackles the complex challenges faced by youth at risk of out-of-home placement and/or serious juvenile offenders due to behavioral issues, including antisocial behavior and serious antisocial behavior. Unlike traditional therapy models, MST goes beyond the individual. It’s an intensive family and community-based intervention that considers the environment and social contexts influencing a youth’s behavior.

Think of MST as a holistic approach. Therapists work directly with families in their homes, schools, and communities. By empowering families with positive parenting skills and creating a more supportive environment, MST aims to address the root causes of the youth’s struggles, mainly focusing on mitigating antisocial behavior and its severe forms. This evidence-based intervention boasts a strong track record of success in reducing delinquency, substance abuse, mental health problems, and antisocial behaviors in youth.

For which serious juvenile offenders is Multisystemic Therapy for?

MST is a targeted intervention designed for youth aged 12-17 (though exceptions can be made) exhibiting severe behavioral problems that put them at risk of placement outside the home. These problems can manifest as antisocial or criminal behavior like vandalism, theft, violence, or being chronic juvenile offenders and violent juvenile offenders. Juvenile offenders may also misuse alcohol, drugs, or other substances and have mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or ADHD.

Moreover, MST can be particularly effective for youth whose behavioral issues stem from complex interactions between individual factors and their environment. This could include:

  • Family dysfunction: Strained relationships, poor communication, or lack of parental support.
  • Negative peer influences: Friends who encourage risky behaviors or delinquency.
  • Academic difficulties: Struggles in school that can lead to frustration and acting out.
  • Community stressors: Poverty, violence, or lack of access to positive role models.

By addressing these multifaceted challenges, MST helps youth develop healthy coping mechanisms, improve relationships with family and peers, and build a more positive future.

What is the goal of Multisystemic Therapy?

Given the complex needs of the youth MST serves, its goals extend beyond simply reducing problematic behaviors. Here’s how MST aims to create lasting positive change:

  • Reduce delinquency and substance abuse: MST decreases the frequency and severity of these behaviors, promoting safety and well-being for the youth and their community.
  • Family preservation and improvement: MST preserves family unity by preventing the incarceration of serious juvenile offenders. It also fosters a more supportive and nurturing home environment by equipping families with effective communication and parenting skills.
  • Enhance academic performance: Therapists collaborate with families and schools to address educational challenges and help youth reach their full potential.
  • Boost mental health: MST can improve a youth’s emotional well-being by addressing underlying mental health conditions and promoting healthy coping mechanisms.
  • Prevent out-of-home placement: A core objective of MST is to keep youth safe and connected with their families by reducing the need for placements in foster care or residential facilities.

MST’s comprehensive approach recognizes that a web of interconnected factors influences a youth’s behavior. By addressing these various areas, MST helps youth build a brighter future where they can thrive at home, in school, and within their communities.

How does Multisystemic Therapy work?

So, how does MST achieve its ambitious goals of improving youth behavior, family dynamics, and overall well-being? Here’s a breakdown of the key steps involved:

  1. Comprehensive assessment: The MST team thoroughly assesses the youth’s needs, family functioning, school environment, peer influences, and community factors contributing to the behavioral issues.
  2. Individualized treatment plan: A customized treatment plan is developed based on the assessment. This plan outlines specific goals for the youth and family and interventions tailored to their unique challenges. Ensuring treatment fidelity at this stage is crucial for the effectiveness of MST interventions, as it guarantees that the interventions are delivered as intended and can achieve the desired outcomes.
  3. Intensive family therapy: Therapists work directly with families in their homes, teaching effective communication and parenting skills. This empowers families to manage challenging behaviors and create a more supportive environment.
  4. Addressing school issues: Collaboration with schools helps identify academic difficulties and develop strategies for improvement. Therapists may also work with teachers to create a more positive and structured learning environment.
  5. Community reinforcement: MST therapists connect families with community resources and positive role models. This can include mentoring programs, after-school activities, or support groups.
  6. Crisis intervention: MST provides 24/7 access to support during emergencies, helping families navigate challenging situations and preventing crises from escalating.
  7. Ongoing monitoring and adjustment: Throughout treatment, progress is monitored regularly. The treatment plan is adjusted as needed to ensure it effectively addresses the evolving needs of the youth and family.

MST creates a comprehensive support system that addresses the root causes of a youth’s problems by following these steps. This holistic approach fosters positive change within the family, school, and community, setting the stage for long-term success.

Benefits of Multisystemic Therapy in family therapy

Following the intensive and comprehensive approach outlined above, MST offers many benefits for youth, families, and the healthcare system. Let's explore these advantages:

  • Safer communities: By reducing delinquency and substance abuse, MST contributes to a safer environment for everyone. Lesser youth entering the justice system means lower crime rates and improved community well-being.
  • Stronger families: MST equips families with the tools to build healthier relationships and create a more supportive home environment. This translates to a stronger foundation for the youth's development and reduces the risk of future problems.
  • Improved academic outcomes: MST's collaboration with schools leads to better academic performance for youth. This translates to increased graduation rates and a more prepared workforce, benefiting the community.
  • Reduced healthcare costs: By preventing out-of-home placements and addressing mental health concerns, MST reduces the burden on the healthcare system. This frees up resources for other critical services.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Studies show MST to be a cost-effective intervention compared to traditional treatments. MST offers significant long-term savings by preventing future problems and reducing reliance on expensive services.

These compelling benefits highlight the potential of MST to create a positive ripple effect. By supporting youth and families, MST contributes to safer communities, a more robust healthcare system, and a brighter future for everyone involved.

Why use Carepatron as your therapy software?

Equipping your MST practice with the right tools is essential for optimizing clinical outcomes and streamlining administrative tasks. Carepatron is a comprehensive therapy software solution designed to empower MST clinicians and improve the overall delivery of MST services.

Carepatron offers a user-friendly platform that streamlines tasks like scheduling appointments, managing client data, and documenting treatment progress. Secure video conferencing features facilitate remote sessions, ensuring continuity of care even when in-person meetings aren't feasible. Additionally, Carepatron allows for seamless collaboration between MST team members, fostering effective communication and coordinated interventions.

Ready to experience the benefits of Carepatron for your MST practice? Sign up for a free trial today and see how Carepatron can empower you to deliver exceptional care to youth and families.

Practice Management Software


Goorden, M., Schawo, S. J., Bouwmans-Frijters, C. A. M., van der Schee, E., Hendriks, V. M., & Hakkaart-van Roijen, L. (2016). The cost-effectiveness of family/family-based therapy for treatment of externalizing disorders, substance use disorders and delinquency: a systematic review. BMC Psychiatry, 16(1).

Tan, J. X., & Fajardo, M. L. R. (2017). Efficacy of multisystemic therapy in youths aged 10–17 with severe antisocial behaviour and emotional disorders: Systematic review. London Journal of Primary Care, 9(6), 95–103.

Vidal, S., Steeger, C. M., Caron, C., Lasher, L., & Connell, C. M. (2017). Placement and delinquency outcomes among system-involved youth referred to multisystemic therapy: A propensity score matching analysis. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 44(6), 853–866.

Zajac, K., Randall, J., & Swenson, C. C. (2015). Multisystemic therapy for externalizing youth. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 24(3), 601–616.

Commonly asked questions

Who is a good candidate for Multisystemic Therapy (MST)?

MST is designed for youth aged 12-17 exhibiting severe behavioral problems like delinquency, substance abuse, or mental health concerns that put them at risk of out-of-home placement. Complex family dynamics and harmful environmental influences are also factors that make MST a suitable intervention.

What are the core principles of MST?

MST emphasizes a holistic approach, addressing the youth’s needs within the context of their family, school, and community. Family therapy is a cornerstone of MST, empowering families with communication and parenting skills to create a more supportive environment. Additionally, MST therapists collaborate with schools and community resources to address challenges faced by the youth in various settings.

Where are MST methodologies developed and researched?

The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, is a leading center for developing, researching, and training MST methodologies. This institution is crucial in advancing MST practices and ensuring they are evidence-based and effective.

How does MST benefit healthcare professionals?

Multisystemic Therapy offers healthcare professionals a well-researched and effective treatment option for youth with complex behavioral issues. By reducing delinquency, substance abuse, and mental health problems, MST can significantly decrease the burden on the healthcare and juvenile justice system and improve overall patient outcomes.

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