Taking Progress Notes in Aged Care 101

By Jamie Frew on Jun 20, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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Overview on progress notes

Progress notes are a crucial component of the medical record, capturing the care provided to patients and relevant clinical events. These notes serve as a repository of medical facts and clinical reasoning intended to communicate a patient’s condition to those accessing the health record, forming an essential part of clinical documentation. They must be readable, easily understood, complete, accurate, and concise.

Additionally, progress notes should be flexible enough to logically convey what transpired during an encounter, such as the sequence of events during a visit. Ensuring full accountability for documented material, including who recorded the information and when, is also essential. This model for good progress notes addresses these needs and outlines the rationale and principles guiding its development. By adhering to these standards, healthcare providers can ensure effective communication and accurate medical records, enhancing patient care and clinical outcomes.

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What are progress notes in aged care?

Progress notes in aged care are essential documents that capture the ongoing care and treatment provided to elderly patients. These records are crucial for ensuring continuity and quality of care. A good progress note includes detailed observations and assessments, documenting changes in a patient’s condition, response to treatment, and overall progress.

Nursing progress notes focus on care provided by nursing staff. These notes are vital for communicating important information among caregivers, ensuring everyone is aware of the patient’s status and care plan. When caregivers write progress notes, they must be thorough, accurate, and timely to provide a clear picture of the patient’s condition.

Writing professional and good progress notes in aged care involves using a structured format to ensure clarity and comprehensiveness. When taking progress notes in aged care, it's crucial to maintain continuity and accuracy in documentation. Each entry should seamlessly flow from the previous page, reflecting the resident's ongoing care journey. Unlike other progress notes, aged care notes often include more detailed information about daily activities and long-term care needs. Recording progress notes consistently helps maintain high standards of care and facilitates seamless communication among healthcare professionals.

By adhering to best practices in writing aged care progress notes, healthcare providers can ensure they meet the specific needs of elderly patients, ultimately improving care outcomes and enhancing the overall quality of life for residents in aged care settings.

What is the purpose of progress notes in aged care?

Progress notes in aged care serve multiple critical purposes, ensuring the delivery of high-quality, consistent care. They document essential details about a resident’s health status, including changes in condition, responses to treatment, and carer interventions. Nursing progress notes also play a vital role in improving patient outcomes by providing comprehensive and accurate information for better decision-making. Here are some of its purposes:

Communication and continuity of care

Care coordination is ensured through progress notes, which facilitate effective communication among healthcare providers. They detail essential details about the patient’s condition and care. They also serve as handover notes, providing a seamless transition of care between shifts and different caregivers.

Legal record and compliance

Maintaining progress notes is a legal requirement in aged care. Meeting regulatory requirements is crucial to ensure that all legal standards are adhered to. They are legal records referenced in legal proceedings to verify the care provided. Recording objective information helps protect healthcare providers and facilities by demonstrating compliance with regulations and standards.

Quality of care

Good progress notes contribute to high-quality care by documenting care interventions and patient responses. Clinical assessments play a crucial role in documenting these care interventions. They help identify patterns, track progress, and adjust care plans.

Accountability and transparency

Writing detailed and accurate care documentation ensures accountability and transparency in care. This documentation helps track who provided care, what interventions were performed, and when they occurred.

How to write nursing progress notes in aged care?

By following these steps and utilizing effective progress note templates, aged care providers can ensure thorough documentation of resident care, promoting quality of care and continuity among healthcare providers. Here’s how to write progress notes in aged care:

  1. Choose the appropriate progress note template: Select from the different progress note templates available, ensuring they align with the resident’s needs and care plan.
  2. Clinical notes play a crucial role in documenting resident care and providing a comprehensive record that supports ongoing treatment and communication among healthcare providers.
  3. Review previous notes: Refer to the resident’s previous progress notes to understand their medical history and any ongoing issues.
  4. Begin writing: Enter the date and time at the top of the form.
  5. Describe physical appearance: Use the active voice to objectively describe the resident’s physical condition, including any changes since the last assessment.
  6. Include objective observations: Document objective observations about the resident’s health status, avoiding passive voice and focusing on what you directly observed.
  7. Record care interventions: Detail any care interventions provided during the shift, including support workers’ assistance and family members’ involvement.
  8. Document emotional well-being: Note the resident’s emotional well-being, any mood changes, or participation in group programs.
  9. Update dietary notes: If applicable, update dietary notes regarding the resident’s food intake and any specific dietary requirements.
  10. Review and revise: Before concluding, review the progress note for accuracy and completeness and make any necessary revisions.
  11. Sign and date: Sign the progress note and include your credentials, ensuring accountability and meeting legal requirements.

Guidelines to consider while writing progress notes

Following these guidelines ensures your progress notes are helpful, accurate, and meet all the necessary requirements:

Understand the purpose

Before writing progress notes, ensure a clear understanding of their purpose in documenting service delivery and patient care.

Use clear language

Write progress notes in clear, concise language that can be easily understood by other health professionals and meets legal document standards. Using clinical language is important to ensure accuracy and professionalism in medical documentation.

Be objective

Objective documentation is crucial; focus on objective observations rather than subjective interpretations, ensuring accuracy and professionalism in documenting progress.

Include relevant information

Only include information relevant to the patient’s care and progress, avoiding unnecessary details that may clutter the notes.

Document service delivery

Detail the services provided to the patient, including any treatments, interventions, or support offered.

Consider legal requirements

Ensure progress notes meet legal document standards and comply with regulations governing healthcare documentation.

Collaborate with team members

Communicate with other health professionals involved in the patient's care to ensure comprehensive and coordinated progress notes.

Reflect community care needs

Consider the unique needs of community care settings when making progress notes, tailoring documentation to support continuity of care outside of clinical settings.

Individualized plan in aged care progress notes example

This individualized plan focuses on improving Mrs. Smith's mobility and independence through physical therapy, assistive devices, and group activities. Progress notes show improved balance and confidence. Positive feedback from family and staff is evident. The next steps include continuing therapy, assessing support needs, and involving family members in care planning. This plan aims to enhance Mrs. Smith's overall well-being and quality of life in the aged care setting.

Resident name: Sarah Johnson

Date: June 12, 2024

Goal: Improve mobility and independence in daily activities.


  • Provide physical therapy exercises daily to improve strength and mobility.
  • Utilize assistive devices as needed for safe mobility.
  • Encourage the resident to participate in daily activities and self-care tasks.

Progress notes:

  • June 12, 2024, 9:00 AM: Conducted initial assessment. The resident is able to stand with assistance. Started physical therapy exercises focusing on leg strength and balance.
  • June 12, 2024, 11:30 AM: Assisted resident with walking using a walker. The resident showed improved stability and confidence.
  • June 12, 2024, 2:00 PM: Resident participated in a group exercise class, chair exercises, and stretching.
  • June 12, 2024, 4:30 PM: Implemented occupational therapy session focusing on activities of daily living (ADLs) like dressing and grooming. The resident demonstrated increased independence.


  • June 12, 2024, 12:00 PM: During lunch, the resident used utensils independently with minimal assistance, showing progress in self-feeding.
  • June 12, 2024, 3:30 PM: Family members visited and noticed resident's improved confidence in mobility. Expressed satisfaction with care plan.
  • June 12, 2024, 6:00 PM: Resident expressed eagerness to continue therapy sessions, indicating motivation towards achieving goals.

Next steps:

  • Continue daily physical and occupational therapy sessions.
  • Monitor progress closely and adjust interventions as needed.
  • Schedule team meetings to review progress and discuss potential modifications to the care plan.

What is an individualized plan in aged care?

Each aged care resident obtains an individualized plan, a unique care package that helps meet the specific needs, loves, and aspirations of every elderly person. It entails comprehensive appraisal and cooperation between caregivers, the inhabitant, and their relatives to devise a custom approach to attending to them. This scheme considers diverse dimensions of health, such as illnesses, physical capacity, mental ability, social assistance, and emotional friends.

The individualized plan includes particular interventions, events, and support facilities that enhance residents' quality of life while encouraging independence and autonomy. Some of these objectives may be related to mobility improvement, nutritional provisions, and control of medicinal administration processors, who are responsible for helping residents with activities such as eating and walking.

Create better progress notes with Carepatron

Carepatron is a platform that focuses on efficient progress notes in healthcare. It offers user-friendly tools and templates for efficient workflow, promoting communication and coordination between healthcare professionals and support workers.

Carepatron allows users to customize their note templates to fit specific patient needs, ensuring personalized documentation. The platform is also data-security and healthcare compliant software, storing clinical and legal notes securely. It also integrates with telehealth systems, ensuring uninterrupted e-documentation of virtual visits.

As the best system for creating effective progress notes in medical practice, Carepatron is recommended by healthcare experts to enhance patient safety.

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