Dap Notes vs. Soap Notes: Everything That Therapists Should Know | Carepatron

By Jamie Frew on Jun 18, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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Confused about DAP vs. SOAP notes? This comprehensive guide is your one-stop resource for therapists navigating healthcare documentation. We'll break down the key differences in structure, purpose, and benefits of each format, empowering you to make informed choices for your practice.

New or seasoned therapist? This guide applies to you! Learn how to optimize patient care, improve communication with healthcare teams, and maintain accurate records – all through effective documentation.

Let's dive in!

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What are DAP notes? 

DAP notes provide mental health professionals with a structured template for documenting client interactions, ensuring clear communication and continuity of care.

The DAP (Data, Assessment, Plan) note consists of three parts:

  1. Data: Subjective and objective information was collected during the session.
  2. Assessment: Interpretation of the data to analyze the client's progress and formulate clinical impressions.
  3. Plan: Strategies and interventions to address the client's needs and goals, including action steps and referrals.

This structured format ensures clear documentation, effective communication among healthcare providers, and continuity of care for the client.

Writing progress notes in the DAP format demands clarity, specificity, and objectivity. Mental health professionals must accurately capture the client's behavior, progress, and intervention responses, facilitating informed decision-making and treatment evaluation.

What are SOAP notes?

SOAP notes are a standard method for mental health professionals to document client interactions, providing a structured framework for recording therapy sessions.

The SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) note comprises four main parts:

  1. Subjective: Client's self-reported experiences, feelings, and thoughts during the therapy session.
  2. Objective: Observable behaviors, body language, and measurable indicators noted by the therapist.
  3. Assessment: Interpretation of subjective and objective data to evaluate the client's progress and mental health status.
  4. Plan: The therapist's proposed strategies, interventions, and adjustments to the treatment plan to address the client's needs and goals.

SOAP notes provide a structured format for mental health professionals to document therapy sessions. They facilitate communication among healthcare providers and support the development of effective treatment plans. Utilizing a SOAP note template ensures consistency and thoroughness in documentation, ultimately enhancing the quality of client care.

Utilizing a SOAP note template ensures consistency and thoroughness in documentation, facilitating communication among healthcare providers and supporting the development of an effective treatment plan. By adhering to best practices and incorporating tips for writing SOAP notes, mental health professionals can enhance the quality of their documentation and provide comprehensive care for their clients.

DAP notes vs. SOAP notes: What's the difference?

When it comes to documenting client interactions in mental health settings, therapists rely on structured formats like DAP and SOAP notes. While both serve the purpose of recording therapy sessions, they differ significantly in their approach and structure. Understanding these differences is crucial for mental health professionals to communicate and document client progress effectively.

Let's delve into the comprehensive comparison of SOAP vs. DAP notes.


SOAP notes are more regimented, following a precise sequence of subjective, objective, assessment, and plan sections. This structured format systematically ensures that therapists document client-reported experiences and observable behaviors, facilitating efficient record-keeping and communication among healthcare providers.

Conversely, DAP notes offer a more flexible approach to documentation, prioritizing data collection and analysis while allowing therapists to adapt the format to suit individual client needs. This flexibility enables mental health professionals to tailor their documentation process to the specific requirements of each therapy session, promoting a more personalized approach to client care.


Regarding focus, DAP notes emphasize comprehensive data collection as the foundation for assessment and planning. Mental health professionals using DAP notes prioritize gathering detailed subjective and objective information to thoroughly understand the client's current state and progress.

In contrast, SOAP notes balance subjective client experiences with objective observations, providing a holistic view of the client's mental health status. While DAP notes delve deeply into the nuances of client-reported feelings and behaviors, SOAP notes aim to capture a broad spectrum of information to effectively inform clinical decisions and treatment planning.


Regarding assessment, both DAP and SOAP notes include sections dedicated to interpreting collected data and evaluating the client's progress. In DAP notes, mental health professionals analyze the information gathered during the session to identify patterns, challenges, and areas for intervention.

Similarly, SOAP notes incorporate an assessment section where subjective and objective data are interpreted to assess the client's mental health status and response to treatment. This assessment process guides therapists in formulating clinical impressions and determining the next steps in therapy, ensuring that interventions are tailored to meet each client's needs.


Regarding planning, both DAP and SOAP notes provide a roadmap for guiding therapeutic interventions and supporting the client's progress. In DAP notes, therapists outline specific strategies and interventions based on assessing the client's needs and goals. These actionable steps are designed to address identified challenges and promote positive outcomes in therapy.

Similarly, SOAP notes include a plan section where therapists detail proposed interventions and adjustments to the treatment plan. This section serves as a blueprint for supporting the client's ongoing progress and well-being, outlining the next steps in therapy, and facilitating continuity of care across sessions.

SOAP and DAP note templates

If you're looking for SOAP and DAP note templates to streamline your documentation process, Carepatron offers a variety of resources to assist you. Here are direct links to their informative blogs and templates:

Explore these resources to find the templates and guidance you need to enhance your documentation practices.

How to write good SOAP and DAP notes

As mentioned, SOAP and DAP notes are the cornerstones of effective client care. They ensure accurate progress recording and facilitate seamless communication with other healthcare providers. Here's your roadmap to writing exceptional SOAP and DAP notes:

Master the format

The first step is understanding the structure of both SOAP and DAP notes. Each element (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) is crucial in building a holistic picture of the client's journey. Grasping how these elements work together will ensure your notes are comprehensive and informative.

Gather rich information

Effective notes require going beyond surface-level conversations during sessions. Pay close attention to subtle cues and non-verbal communication. These seemingly minor details can offer valuable insights into the client's mind and emotional landscape.

Cultivate objectivity

Approach note-taking with the precision of a skilled artisan. Choose your words thoughtfully, ensuring clarity and accuracy in conveying the nuances of the client's experiences and progress. Objectivity is vital in building trust and communicating clearly with other healthcare professionals.

Write with clarity and empathy

Remember, your notes capture the human story of each client. Infuse them with empathy, acknowledging both struggles and victories. Write clearly and concisely, avoiding jargon that could confuse others reading your notes. Strive for precise descriptions that effectively communicate information while honoring the unique therapeutic journey of each client.

Center your notes on the client

Healthcare thrives on teamwork, and your notes can become powerful tools for seamless communication across disciplines. Focus on clear, concise entries that facilitate coordinated care. However, never lose sight of the client at the heart of it all. Tailor assessments and plans to their unique needs, preferences, and goals.

Actively involve the client in the decision-making process and document their input. This ensures your notes accurately reflect their journey and priorities.

Track progress and adapt

Documenting a client's progress over time is crucial. Track any changes in their condition or treatment plan. This allows for continuity of care and facilitates communication with other healthcare providers involved in the client's treatment. Be sure to note improvements, setbacks, or shifts in the client's status to provide a comprehensive picture.

Refine and revise

Before finalizing your notes, take time for review and revision. This quality assurance step ensures your notes are accurate, complete, and adhere to professional standards. Look for any errors or inconsistencies that need correcting. This extra step ensures your notes are of the highest quality and accurately represent the client's care.

Maintain confidentiality

Protecting your clients' privacy and confidentiality is paramount. Include only relevant information in your notes, adhering to HIPAA guidelines and other legal requirements. Securely store your notes and ensure only authorized individuals have access. This builds trust with your clients and keeps their personal information confidential.

Are DAP notes or SOAP notes more useful for therapists?

Therapists often grapple with the choice between DAP and SOAP notes. Both formats serve the same purpose – documenting client interactions – but differ in structure and emphasis. Here are three key factors to consider when making this decision:

Tailoring to client needs

The complexity of your client's condition can influence your choice. For clients with intricate mental health issues or chronic conditions, DAP notes' integrated approach excels. It seamlessly blends subjective experiences with objective data, providing a holistic view of their response to treatment and progress over time.

However, SOAP notes may be more suitable in emergency care, where documentation focuses primarily on physical symptoms and objective information. Their structured format aligns well with the need for clear and concise communication.

Collaboration and communication

Consider the importance of seamless communication with other healthcare professionals involved in the client's care. Although widely used across various healthcare disciplines, SOAP notes offer a standardized format that facilitates smoother communication. This shared understanding gives everyone a clear picture of the client's progress and treatment plan.

Preference and legal requirements

Ultimately, the choice may come from personal preference and legal requirements within your practice setting. Some therapists find the narrative flow of DAP notes more intuitive, while others value the clear delineation of information offered by SOAP notes. Additionally, in some healthcare settings, SOAP notes may be mandated as the official record due to legal and regulatory requirements for clear and concise documentation.

The takeaway

DAP and SOAP notes are effective tools for documenting therapy sessions and tracking client progress. The best choice depends on the therapist's preference, the therapeutic approach, and the specific needs of the client and the healthcare setting. Therapists may even choose to use one format primarily or a combination of both, depending on the context and requirements of their practice.

How can Carepatron help in clinical documentation?

Feeling bogged down by paperwork? Carepatron simplifies clinical documentation, transforming it from a burden to a tool for better patient care. Leverage our user-friendly software with customizable templates and intuitive interfaces to quickly and accurately record patient encounters, assessments, and treatment plans. This translates to streamlined workflows and more time dedicated to your patients.

Carepatron goes beyond streamlining documentation. Our secure platform ensures seamless integration with EHR systems and offers 24/7 access to patient information through online portals. Robust data encryption safeguards patient confidentiality, and automated compliance checks minimize the risk of errors and penalties. Carepatron's medical dictation software also empowers you to dictate notes using voice recognition, saving time and reducing transcription mistakes.

Ready to experience the power of effortless documentation? Sign up for a free trial of Carepatron today

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