CPT codes for psychological testing and evaluation

By Ashleigh Knowles on Jun 26, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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Understanding CPT codes in psychological testing

Current procedural terminology (CPT) codes play a crucial role in psychology, especially in psychological and neuropsychological testing. These codes classify and describe medical, surgical, and diagnostic services, aiding in treatment planning and clinical decision-making (American Psychological Association Services Inc, 2019).

In psychology, CPT codes are essential for documenting professional evaluation services. They facilitate accurate interpretation of patient data and streamline medical record documentation. Providing a reliable framework for reporting test administration and results, CPT codes support clinical decision-making and ensure extensive data interpretation from standardized tests is communicated and reimbursed.

Moreover, CPT codes enhance the interaction between psychologists and insurance carriers, ensuring patient data is accurately reflected in billing processes. This accuracy is vital for maintaining the integrity of clinical decision-making and efficiently handling the financial aspects of patient care.

Understanding and correctly utilizing these codes is crucial for psychologists. It aids in precise documentation of patient data and ensures appropriate recognition and compensation for services provided. This systematic approach ultimately contributes to more effective and streamlined patient care.

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The importance of CPT codes in mental health

CPT codes are essential in mental health for numerous compelling reasons. Firstly, they provide a standardized language that ensures clarity and uniformity in psychological testing and evaluation services. This standardization is crucial when psychologists administer and score tests, guaranteeing that each test administration and scoring process is accurately documented and communicated.

Psychological and neuropsychological testing heavily rely on these codes to capture the nuances of standardized test results. By utilizing CPT codes, qualified healthcare professionals can effectively translate complex clinical data into standardized billing entries, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of the reimbursement process. This system ensures that the full spectrum of the psychologist's work, from initial assessments to interpreting results, is recognized and appropriately compensated.

Moreover, CPT codes facilitate better communication between psychologists and other healthcare providers. This streamlined communication improves overall patient care by ensuring that all psychological and neuropsychological testing aspects are well understood and integrated into the patient's broader treatment plan. By using CPT codes, mental health professionals can ensure that their services are documented and valued, ultimately contributing to more effective and comprehensive patient care.

Key CPT codes for psychological screening

Understanding CPT codes for psychological screening is crucial for accurate documentation and billing of psychological and neuropsychological testing services. These codes streamline managing test administration, scoring, and reporting, ensuring comprehensive and precise record-keeping. Here are the primary CPT codes and their descriptions according to the American Psychological Association (2018):

96130: Psychological testing evaluation services (first hour)

This code is used for the initial hour of psychological testing evaluation services provided by a physician or other qualified healthcare professional. It includes integrating patient data, interpreting standardized test results, clinical data, clinical judgment, treatment planning, and interactive feedback to the patient or family members.

96131: Psychological testing evaluation services (each additional hour)

This add-on code is used for each additional hour beyond the first hour of psychological testing evaluation services. This newly created code ensures that extended evaluation services are appropriately documented and billed. The same comprehensive activities covered under 96130 are included here.

96136: Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring (first 30 minutes)

This code covers the first 30 minutes of administering and scoring the test by a physician or other qualified healthcare professional. It includes the technical test administration of multiple tests by the professional, whether done manually or via an electronic platform. This code ensures the accurate documentation of the initial phase of the testing process.

96137: Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring (each additional 30 minutes)

This add-on code applies to each additional 30-minute increment needed for test administration and scoring. It supports the precise recording of technician-administered testing, extending the coverage of 96136. This code is essential for documenting prolonged testing sessions to ensure accurate billing for extended services.

Significant CPT codes for test administration

CPT codes for test administration play a crucial role in accurately documenting and billing psychological and neuropsychological assessments. These codes ensure that services such as test administration, scoring, and evaluation are properly recognized and reimbursed. Below are the key CPT codes relevant to testing:

96138: Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring (first 30 minutes)

This code is used for the initial 30 minutes of psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by a technician. It covers the technical aspects of administering and scoring two or more tests, whether done manually or using an electronic platform. This code is vital for billing and documenting the beginning stages of testing sessions.

96139: Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring (each additional 30 minutes)

This add-on code applies for each additional 30-minute increment beyond the first 30 minutes of test administration and scoring. It ensures that extended technician-administered testing sessions are accurately recorded and billed, reflecting the additional time and effort required.

Specific CPT code for test evaluation

Understanding CPT codes for test evaluation is essential for healthcare providers to ensure proper documentation and billing of psychiatric and psychological services. These codes help structure the billing process for various diagnostic and evaluation services, ensuring accuracy and compliance.

90791: Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation

While not a newly created code, 90791 remains vital for psychiatric diagnostic evaluation. This code covers a comprehensive assessment of psychological and psychosocial conditions performed before any psychological evaluation and test administration. It ensures that foundational diagnostic work is completed, providing a baseline for further psychological and neuropsychological testing services.


Understanding CPT codes for psychological testing is crucial for healthcare practitioners, ensuring accurate documentation and reimbursement for services provided. These codes delineate specific tasks, such as test administration, scoring, and evaluation, essential for effective patient care and treatment planning. By adhering to these standardized billing codes, practitioners can streamline administrative processes and maintain compliance with insurance requirements, enhancing overall practice efficiency.

When considering where to manage these complexities, Carepatron emerges as an exemplary solution. As a leading medical billing software, Carepatron supports the seamless integration of CPT codes and provides robust tools like patient record software, generating comprehensive reports and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. Its user-friendly interface simplifies the complexities of billing and documentation, empowering healthcare teams to focus more on patient care and less on administrative burdens.

Mastering CPT codes through platforms like Carepatron optimizes operational workflows and underscores a commitment to delivering high-quality care while maximizing financial outcomes — a testament to professional excellence in healthcare practice.


American Psychological Association. (2018). Psychological testing. American Psychological Association Services Inc. https://www.apaservices.org/practice/reimbursement/health-codes/testing/psychological-testing.pdf

American Psychological Association Services Inc. (2019). Psychological and neuropsychological testing codes for psychologists. https://www.apaservices.org/practice/reimbursement/health-codes/testing

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