10 Coping Skills Worksheets for Children (Examples)

By Jamie Frew on May 06, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Coping skills, including anger management activities and emotional regulation activities for kids, are important tools that help children deal with life's challenges. These abilities empower children to face their fears, manage their emotions, and build resilience. 

Learning effective coping skills is particularly crucial during the formative years of elementary school and middle school. This period lays the foundation for emotional maturity and resilience that supports a child's growth into adolescence and beyond. It's vital for students during these critical stages to acquire tools for managing stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges.

By introducing coping skills at an early age, we equip children with the means to navigate the complexities of their developmental phases with confidence and adaptability. This blog will cover ten coping skills worksheets for kids, which include specific examples to assist children in learning effective coping strategies.

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Understanding the impact of coping skills

Coping skills for kids, including those with autism and anger issues, are crucial for social emotional learning and to help them manage their emotions. Anger is a natural emotion, but it can be destructive if not managed properly. 

Teaching coping skills for anger, such as through worksheets or other therapeutic activities, can help children and teens manage their emotions healthily and productively. In addition, it is essential to provide tips to work with autistic children and tailor coping strategies to their individual needs to ensure their success. Children can develop resilience and improve their overall well-being by employing effective coping strategies.

Types of coping strategies for kids

Children can use two types of coping strategies: emotion-focused coping skills and problem-focused coping skills. 

In addition to coping skills, therapists can provide tips to explain confidentiality to kids in a way that they can understand and feel comfortable with. 

For teens struggling with self-esteem issues, a self-esteem worksheet can be a useful tool to help them identify their strengths and work on building their confidence. 

Emotion-focused coping skills

Emotion-focused coping skills can help children with anger issues manage their intense feelings. These skills involve techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and visualization to help children calm down and regulate their emotions. If a child is angry, for example, they can take deep breaths and count to ten to help them calm down and reduce their anger.

Problem-focused coping skills

Problem-solving coping skills entail identifying and addressing the source of the anger. This could include problem-solving techniques like breaking a problem down into smaller parts and brainstorming solutions. For example, if a child is frustrated because they are unable to complete a difficult task, they can divide the task into smaller steps and seek assistance if necessary.

Both types of coping skills are essential for children who struggle with anger. 

Emotion-focused coping skills help children in managing their intense emotions in the present, whereas problem-focused coping skills assist them in addressing the underlying causes of their anger. Children can develop a toolbox of strategies to help them manage their anger and build resilience by using both types of coping skills.

10 Coping Skills Worksheets for Children

Let's take a closer look at each of the 10 coping skills worksheets for children:

Feelings wheel worksheet

The Feelings Wheel Worksheet helps children figure out and talk about how they feel. It has a wheel with different feelings on it, and children can point to the feeling they're feeling or color in the section that goes with it. For example, if a child is sad, they might point to the word "sad" or color in the blue section.

This worksheet can be used alongside anger worksheets for children who have trouble expressing anger and frustration.

Deep breathing worksheet

This is one of many anxiety worksheets that teach kids a simple breathing exercise that will help them relax and reduce anxiety. Following the instructions on the worksheet, children can practice taking deep breaths by breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Self-talk worksheet

This worksheet encourages children to cope with difficult situations by using positive self-talk. When children are feeling overwhelmed or anxious, they can write down affirmations or positive statements to repeat to themselves. A child may write, "I am brave and capable," or "I can handle this."

Mindful coloring worksheet

This worksheet gives kids a fun and relaxing activity to do when they need a break from stressors. Children can color a design while practicing mindfulness, paying attention to the present moment, and breathing.

Problem-solving worksheet

This worksheet teaches children how to identify problems and devise solutions, even if it requires social support from peers and adults. Children can write down a problem, brainstorm possible solutions, and decide on the best course of action.

For example, if a child is having difficulty with a difficult homework assignment, they might write "I don't understand the directions" and brainstorm solutions such as asking the teacher for assistance or looking up examples online.

Gratitude journal

The Gratitude Journal encourages kids to think about the good things in their lives. Every day, children can write down things they are thankful for, such as a favorite toy or a good friend.

Challenging negative thoughts worksheet

This worksheet for kids is a tool for helping kids identify and challenge negative thoughts that are affecting their self-esteem.

I am great because worksheet

This worksheet is a self-affirmation exercise intended to help children improve their self-esteem and foster self-compassion. The worksheet instructs children to list their positive qualities and attributes, followed by examples of how they have demonstrated these qualities in the past. 

Children can develop a more positive self-image and increase their resilience to challenges by reflecting on their strengths and achievements.

Things I like about me worksheet

This worksheet encourages children to come up with positive statements to say to themselves when they need encouragement. They can write down affirmations like "I am strong" or "I am worthy of love and respect."

Relaxation techniques worksheet

This worksheet teaches children different relaxation techniques to help them relax when they are stressed. Deep breathing, visualization, and progressive muscle relaxation are examples of techniques. These techniques can be practiced by children on their own or with the assistance of an adult.

Take home message

Coping skills worksheets are excellent resources for children and young people to learn how to manage their emotions and deal with stress, even contributing to their physical health. These worksheets help children develop the skills they need to handle life's challenges successfully. Coping skills not only support children in the moment but also lay the groundwork for robust mental health as they grow.

If you're looking for more anger management worksheets for teens, check out our Template Library for helpful resources. Carepatron offers an extensive collection of templates and worksheets tailored to various needs, ensuring that children not only learn crucial coping mechanisms but also enjoy the process of learning them.

Remember, it's never too early to start teaching children coping skills. Equip children with the right tools early on to help them thrive.

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